What is Collaborative Law?
Collaborative Law can be an effective alternative to traditional divorce. This method focuses on parties trying to find a “win-win” solution instead of focusing on getting the largest financial reward.
Collaborative law encourages participants to work together respectfully, in good faith and honestly. During the Collaborative Process neither of the parties can go to court or threaten to go to court. In the unlikely event that either party believes court would be a more viable alternative, the Collaborative Law process is terminated and both will need to hire new lawyers to handle their case in court.
The professionals on the Collaborative Law Team owe primary allegiance and duty to their own clients, however, know the best way to the highest interests of their clients is to act with the spirit of cooperation, integrity, and mutual respect.
Even though a marriage is ending, the Collaborative Law process recognizes that obligations and relationships continue, especially when children are involved. During the process spouses can formulate agreements that focus on the most important mutual and individual goals allowing all family members to move forward in a positive way.